World of Watercolor
Emily Bradigan
Tuesdays, 1:30-3:30
Classes start on:
Jan. 14, 2025
Length of class:
6 weeks
No matter your level, the world of watercolor is yours to paint. This is a fun class focused on learning the joys of Watercolors. Each week will focus on exercises and projects based on the core principles of watercolor painting.
No prior art experience is necessary.
Recommended Supply List:
Watercolors set - 24 Colors (or equivalent)
9x12 Watercolor Sketchbook
1" Watercolor mop brush
1" Watercolor flat brush
1/2" Watercolor pointed oval brush
#4 Watercolor Liner Brush
#10 Watercolor Brush Round
#2 Watercolor Fan Brush
Spray Bottle for Water
Roll of Scotch Washi Tape, or equivalent
Mechanical Pencil
Plastic Eraser
0.5 Sakura Micron Pen
Black Ballpoint Pen
A completely flat and rigid surface larger than 10”x 13” to tape your paper to.
Ex- Wooden board, firm thick cardboard, A flat tray
All classes are subject to our Policies.